Ethereum: gcminer with ATIRADEON HD3600 on ubuntu 12.04 64bit headless won’t detect GPU

Ethereum Excavation with CGMINER and ATIIEON HD3600 Ubuntu 12.04: Infinite installation does not detect GPU: TA

In the Ethereum career, endless installations can be particularly challenging due to limited resources for intensive resources tasks, such as the use of graphic management (GPU). However, following the popular leadership of the Reddit mining community, it can be a good starting point for starting cryptocurrency on the Ubuntu 12.04 server.

The problem is being discussed is that the Atiieieon HD3600, the popular production of ASIC (Application Integrated District), does not seem to find the GPU correctly when it is set as an endless system with Ubuntu 12.04 server, which uses 64 service 64 -bit from Linux.

In this article, we investigate the possible causes of this problem and provide some of the wrong stages of failure to resolve it.

Why does CGMiner not find Atiiaon HD3600 GPU?

CGMiner is a popular yield software that can be used for various cryptocurrencies. In this case, however, it seems that CGMiner does not find the Atiiaon HD3600. There are several possible reasons for this:

  • ATIOUSEON HD3600 Control Problems : It is possible that the Atiiekeon HD3600 controller may not be compatible with Linux Core or not installed properly in the system.


  • CGMiner does not detect GPU : CGMiner may try to find GPU, but it cannot do what it leads or does not print.

Stages of troubleshooting

Rasths this problem follows these steps:

  • Check the Atiiieon HD3600 controls: Make sure you have installed the correct GPU Atiiieiaeon HD3600 controller.


  • Try different yield software : If you have tried different types of mining software, such as EasyMiner or Minergates, check that it works properly with GPU HD3600.

Additional steps for an endless installation

In order for the endless settings to work, you must determine the CGMiner to use the Atiiaon HD3600 GPU, even if you do not use GUI. This can be achieved by setting up CRON work or using a system cGMiner drive system in the background.

Example of a file to determine


Ethereum: gcminer with ATIRADEON HD3600 on ubuntu 12.04 64bit headless won't detect GPU


Set the type and model of GPU


Set the GPU voltage (set at 1.2 V Atiradeon HD3600)

Voltage = 1.2

Set the GPU clock (set to 24000 MHz Atiradeon HD3600)

CLOCK_ ratio = 24000


While watching the Reddit extraction guide may be a good starting point, solutions seem to have special problems with CGMiner and Atiiaeon HD3600 in Ubuntu 12.04. By exploring the possible causes of this topic and trying to make some of the mistakes, you may be able to solve the problem.

Be sure to check the installation of GPU controller, CGMiner Configuration and System Service Settings (if necessary) before additional study. If you still have problems after experimenting with these steps, there will probably be additional factors in the game that need to be addressed.

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