Ethereum: Self-hosted Bitcoin wallet for Linux with API?

Ethereum: Self-hosted Bitcoin Wallet for Linux with API

As the popularity of cryptocurrency continues to grow, many users are looking for second and reliable ways to store and manage their digital assets. One popular option is using an ethereum wallet to hold your cryptocurrencies. In this article, we’ll explore a self-hosted Bitcoin Wallet Solution that integrates with the Ethereum Blockchain and provides an API for detecting when transactions have completed.

why ethereum?

Ethereum is one of the most widely used blockchains in the cryptocurrency space, and its native cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, is often associated with it. However, Ethereum’s Smart Contract Functionality Allows Developers to Create Complex Decentralized Applications (DApps) that can be built on top of the Blockchain. By hosting a self-hosted ethereum wallet on your Linux server, you’ll access to an open-source platform that provides advanced security features and flexibility.

Self-Hosted Bitcoin Wallet Options

Several self-hosted Bitcoin wallets are available for Linux, but we’ll focus on one popular option:
Bitcoin Core (BCCTL). This is the default wallet used by Bitcoin enthusiasts, and it’s a great starting point for our exam. However, if you prefer to use an alternative wallet, we can also consider:

  • Electrum: A popular, user-friendly wallet that supports multiple cryptocurrencies.

  • Trezor: A hardware wallet that provides advanced security features.

Installing Bitcoin Core (BCCTL)

To get started with Bitcoin core on your Linux server, you’ll need to install it. HERE’S A Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Update Your Package Repository: Sudo Apt-Get Update

  • Install the necessary packages: Sudo apt-get Install Bitcoin-Core

  • Start the Wallet Daemon: Sudo Systemctl Start Bitcoin-Wallet

Ethereum API Integration

To provide an API for detecting when Bitcoin transactions have completed, you’ll need to create a script that interacts with the Ethereum blockchain. We can use the

Ethereum: Self-hosted Bitcoin wallet for Linux with API?

library to achieve this.

First, install ethers.js:


npm install ethers


Next, Create a New File Called Ethereum_API.JS and Add the Following Code:


Const ethers = requirement ('ethers');

Async Function GetTereumapi () {

// Create a New Ethereum Provider Instance

Const provider = new ethers.providers.web3provider ();

// Get the Ethereum Address of Your Wallet (Replace with the Actual Address)

const walletaddress = 'your-wallet-address-here';

// create an instance of the ethereum api client

Const Apiclient = provider.getnamedaccount (Walletaddress);

// define a callback function to handle transaction events

async function ontransactionevent (event) {

if (event.type === ethers.event.transactions) {

// Get the Transaction Details

Const tx = event.transaction;

console.log (Transaction hash: $ {tx.hash});

console.log (from address: $ {tx.from.address});

console.log (to address: $ {tx.todress});



// subscribe to transaction events from your wallet's provider

apiclient.on ('transactionvent', ontransactionevent);

Return {Provider, TX: null};


GetTereumapi (). then (API => {

console.log (API);


This script creates a new ethereum provider instance and gets the ethereum address of your wallet. It is defines an ontransactionevent 'callback function that will be called while a transaction event occurs in your wallet's blockchain.

running the script

To run the script, save it to a file (e.g.,Ethereum_api.js) and execute it using node.js:


node ethereum_api.js


This should start listening for Ethereum transactions on your server. You can then monitor the console output to see when transactions have completed.

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